Shining Light Sanctuary

Out of Darkness & into the LIGHT

Matthew 5:16

“In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in Heaven.”

Roy T. Bennett

“Shine your light & make a positive impact on the world; there is nothing so honorable as helping improve the lives of others.”

Shining Light Sanctuary

Every child deserves an opportunity and chance to better themselves, no matter where they are in life.

Shining Light Sanctuary’s goal is to help at-risk children and youth out of whatever darkness and trauma they are currently facing and bring them into a place of hope, restoration, and light.

We will do this through various programs geared towards rearing and nurturing these children so that finances are not a barrier to getting these children and youth the help that they need.

However, we could not do it without the generosity of the individuals and businesses in our community and through state grants. To learn how you can help, please visit the SHINING LIGHT SANCTUARY official page.



Why the Horse?

The average horse walks at a rate of approximately 100 steps per minute. Just 5 minutes on a walking horse represents 500 neuro motor inputs to the patient. In a typical therapy session, 15-25 minutes of equine movement may be incorporated, which represents 1500 to 2500 neuromotor inputs to the patient.

At SLS we believe that farm animals can be both beneficial forms of educational and motivational therapy for participants-the biggest of these being respect for self and others, & trust building.

Children will work with trained staff & volunteers through weekly horse riding lessons & various farm life activities. Children will have the opportunity of interacting with farm animals such as cows, chickens & goats through animal husbandry.

What therapy modalities partner with Animal/Horse Therapy?

The use of animals incorporated into recovery and therapy have been regarded as a tool and strategy that can be utilized by occupational therapy, physical therapy & speech-language therapy professionals while working within their scope of practice.

We offer a mix of everything at SLS, from Animal Assisted Therapy, Basic Life Skills 101, Communal Gardening, & soon be a Clothing & Furniture closet. We know that most at-risk kids and individuals have never been given the opportunity to learn some basic life skills, work and take pride in a project with others, and become educated on the importance of sustainability through aiding in daily farm & agricultural life needs.

How can I support Shining Light Sanctuary or learn more?

Visit our official SHINING LIGHT SANCTUARY site for more info.